Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Middle Saranac Lake & Island Hopping

04 June 2012
There are three Saranac Lakes, Upper, Middle and Lower.  Despite the numerous vacation homes in the area, there are not many on the Middle Saranac Lake.  The reason may be the weather.  Wind funnels down a valley and for my crossing created two foot white capped waves either head on or 45 degrees to the left.  Paddling conditions were challenging.  Fortunately, the boat, equipment and clothing were all up to the conditions.  To get across the lake required "ferrying" (paddling into the wind and waves at a 45 degree angle, the result being a sideways motion in the desired direction).  At one point, a duck popped up in the stormy waves, looked at me, then disappeared.  Waves continuously crashed over the bow and it was raining steadily.  There were some islands which provided shelter and a chance to rest on the leeward side.  Trial by storm.

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