Friday, November 27, 2009

Blood Mountain

19 November 2009

One of the last nights on the trail.  Only 30 miles from Springer Mountain.  The group of southbound hikers (SOBO's) is compressing.  They are thinking of Thanksgiving at home, hot showers, warm beds, and time with the family.

Tonight we had a large group (by SOBO standards) in the Blood Mountain Shelter, just south (and up a big hill) from Neels Gap.  For the NOBO's, many decide the trail is "not for them" at the outfitter in Neels Gap.  For many others, the outfitter guides them to more appropriate gear than they may have started out with.

There is an old CCC built shelter from the 1930's on the top of Blood Mtn., and some large rocks atop which one can get great views.  Our group talked and watched a superb sunset in the evening, as well as a stunning sunrise the next morning.

The group (L to R: Kramming, Country Runner, Smokey's Friend, PI):


1 comment:

  1. The Blood Mountain Cabins and Country Store are vacation rental cabins and a store located up high in the attractive Appalachian Mountains in north Georgia. At a height of over 3000 feet, the views are spectacular and the temperatures are cool.
